We keep our ears to the ground constantly looking for the most affordable and effective recycled products in the industry to offer to our customers and the latest find is the new “RENEW” banner.
This is a printable, durable, non-woven PET banner that has a matte/textured finish (think of a felt pennant) and it is essentially the same cost as “regular” vinyl scrim banner! Where as most recycled products come in at a premium price.
The new RENEW banner is printed and used most often for banners hung from the ceiling, fences, scaffolding etc. as well as perfect for customized pennants
The key benefits? This media is made up of 100% of recycled plastic bottles and we can print it with our Latex/Non-Solvent printing technology. When you are finished with the banner you can drop it in to a plastic bottle recycling bin!
For more information on this amazing new banner product, please contact a Canawrap customer service rep and we will be happy to talk more about this product and see what we can do to get it printed for you!