Car wrapping permits you to advertise your business without the need to change the paint or finish on your vehicle. Plus, the obvious advantage is that a wrap causes your car to become an instant business magnet. As long as you keep your message short (no more than four words) and use complementary colors and lettering, a vehicle wrap will serve you well over the years.
Vehicle wraps can be used by all types of businesses, so it is one form of advertising that can is as mobile as it is user-friendly.
You also will experience some not-so-obvious benefits from wrapping your vehicle.
#1 – Customization is Easier
For example, you can customize your auto however you wish. Because a wrap is not a permanent installation, you can add designs and graphics that are as eye-capturing as they are informative.
Whether you add psychedelic zebra stripes or include a chrome look, you can add colors and fonts that can be altered if you so choose. In other words, you can try out a design or color to see if it works for your advertising plans. If you don’t like the results, you can go back to the so-called “drawing board,” and try another look for your business or brand.
#2 – A Wrap Protects a Vehicle’s Finish
What many people do not know is that a wrap protects the paint and finish of a vehicle. When it is applied or removed properly, the wrap will protect the paint below it. Contrary to what some people may think, a wrap will not damage the paint. Instead, it serves as a barrier against the elements. So, if you want to advertise your business and keep your car’s finish from fading, then this is the way to do it.
Again, you can remove the wrap whenever you want. If you want to try a new ad campaign or realize you made a mistake with the lettering, you can have the design redone to your satisfaction. Nothing is set in stone when you apply a vinyl wrap.
Picture Credit:
Canawrap Gallery