
Average ROI When Using a Vehicle Wrap to Promote Your Business

Car wrap and truck wraps provide a means of advertisement for your business, but many entrepreneurs wonder just how effective a method it really is. Luckily, there is some hard data we can point to that will give you an idea of the return on investment you can expect to experience.

Average Number of Views

95% of Americans are going to travel on our nation’s roadways in any given week and of these, 90% will be reached by some form of vehicle advertisement. Of these car wrap and truck wrap sightings, 80% will be memorable to the people who have laid eyes on it.


The average vehicle wrap is able to generate thousands of impressions each day, and it must be remembered, that these are potential customers. To calculate the full impact of your 3M vinyl wrap, you need to factor in the average amount you will make when a person does business with you.

More to Consider

For each mile that you drive, you can, on average, reach 600 to 1,000 eyeballs, a far cheaper investment than most kinds of advertising. The same reach through newspaper would cost $23, $18 for TV, and $2 on a billboard, but is only ranges from $.35 to $.77 through vehicle wrapping. Your actual ROI will vary in terms of dollars made, depending on your business model, and you are sure to save a fortune on ad spend.
