I Just Wrapped My Vehicle – Now What?
The fonts and images you choose for your vehicle wrap are two essential ingredients in promoting your business. Wraps provide...

How to Maintain Your Car Wraps
If you already are using car wraps, you also know that they are an efficient way to get your business...

3 Tips to Successfully Advertise with Your Vehicle
Ad billboards and signs influence customer thinking in a variety of venues. That is why you can realize ad success...

The Benefits of Using a Vehicle Wrap to Advertise Your Business
When people think of mobile advertising, the first image that comes to mind is a web-based mobile application. However, mobile...

10 Reasons Why You Need Vehicle-Based Advertising
Branding is an all-important component for a business today. However, brand recognition is not only relegated to online marketing practices....

We are Loud & PROUD on the Canawrap Main Stage for New West Pride Week!
Canawrap is proudly sponsoring the New West Pride Week August 6th – 13th 2016 and will keep in LOUD &...

Canawrap now offers 100% RECYCLED banner!
We keep our ears to the ground constantly looking for the most affordable and effective recycled products in the industry...

Canawrap Quick Clip(s) are rolling out!
Canawrap Video Quick Clips showcase how our customers are getting THEIR message moving by working with the multi-award winning team...

HAPPY NEW YEAR! We celebrate an amazing 2015 and look forward to 2016
In Vlog 2, Canawrap and Jon bring in 2016 with a bang! (and LOTS of sparkly confetti that will be...

Canawrap is Featured in the 2015 Profiles of Excellence Magazine
Canawrap had the opportunity to be featured in the 2015 “Profiles of Excellence” Magazine along with 12 other amazing west...

Canawrap Discovery Video – 4 Tips To Get More Value From Your Vehicle Wrap
In an effort to bring MORE value to our customers, future customers or really anyone that wants to know more...

Canawrap wins the 2015 Platinum Award for "Customer Service Excellence for Business"
We are so happy, surprised and appreciative of our 2015 Platinum Award that we won this year for “Customer Service...